New Academy Publishers. 2010. c.344p. illus. bibliog.. index. ISBN 978-097493044-2. $19.95.
Many of us are familiar with this scenario. You just have walked in the door at work and turned on your computer. Not only are you faced with your boss standing at your office door or cubicle but your inbox and voice mail box are full again and the pile of work from yesterday that was sitting on your desk remains even though you stayed late last night trying to eliminate it. Overwhelmed, you take a deep breath. You feel like you have too much to do in too little time. Where to begin? How to begin? These are two questions passing through your mind. In this nicely- presented and expertly- argued self help book, Linenberger (management consultant and technology professional for more than 20 years; formerly, Vice President, Accenture; Head, U.S. Peace Corps’ technology department; author of three books including Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook, 2nd Edition), an efficiency expert and renowned international consultant, speaker, and seminar leader, attempts to help those suffering from the abovementioned scenario, “workday chaos.” He presents his brilliantly- conceived “Workday Now” system for anyone who wants greater results at work, less stress, and deeper satisfaction from his or her employment situation and thereby life in general. Explaining how work is largely a mental game, Linenberger argues that “urgent” tasks that must be completed by the end of the workday should take precedence over merely “important ones” or less time-sensitive endeavors. In his breakthrough “Workday Mastery Pyramid,” modeled after psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, he advocates getting control of your workday by managing Urgency Zones, creating your outcomes by using Now Goals and Goal Activation, and connecting your work with who you are and what will fulfill you. In each of the three sections of his book covering the control, create, and connect sequences of his Pyramid, the author presents specific strategies and tools for helping you reach the top. You will learn how to utilize the “urgency zone” concept to create a Workday Mastery To-Do-List, overcome email overload, create Now Goals, Activate Goals, connect with yourself and your life’s work, and more. For the most part fast-paced, easy-to-read, and understandable, this somewhat lengthy publication contains many helpful value-added features not limited to illustrations, diagrams, and two appendices containing a quick start Workday Mastery Toolkit and a list of recommended print and non-print resources. The author also provides downloadable tools and templates on his website that enable you to implement his system while additional resources such as a daily planner are being published. For anyone who wants to transform his or her work and thereby personal lives as well as bring the two closer together, this book will appeal to general and specialized readers. It is highly recommended for many public, academic, and special libraries. Review copy. Availability:, Barnes &